Thank you for your overwhelming response to last months request for questions to kick off our column. I have chosen to post a question here, the others I have answered your personally. I am on a low calorie diet and I exercise (run, elliptical, aerobics class) 4 times per week, but feel that my body still feels soft and does not look toned. What should I do to get my muscles to look and feel toned? (Jenny, Chicago)
Thanks Jenny, two things we need to look at, your diet would be first on my list, followed by your workouts.
i. Your diet needs to consist of enough calories to support muscle maintenance (or development) and you need to be eating small meals 5 to 6 times per day. Each meal should contain Protein, carbohydrate (starchy and fibrous included), and fat (Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats, found mainly in many fish, nuts, seeds and oils from plants). These small meals will help to keep your metabolism elevated, keeping your body from storing more fat.
ii. Your workouts need to consist of a good balance of strength training and cardio training. People looking to loose weight, all too often only focus on cardio. Weight training is essential for losing weight. Think of your body as machine that burns fat for fuel, wouldn't you want a more efficient engine?? More muscle = more calories burned….. its that simple. Being the second month in the year, I find it appropriate to talk about motivation. We start off the year with the best intentions to get ourselves in better shape and to lose those nagging pounds…… then we waive the white flag to failure! Frustrated and feeling down about ourselves, we put the task off as unobtainable. Changes to our body obviously require diet and exercise, what we often over look is the mental and emotional side of making change. Imagine how difficult it is to move to a new city where you don't know anyone. That is change! Why then do we get so frustrated with ourselves when we have a difficult time changing our habits in order to change our bodies. Be patient with your mind, get rid of your negative thought process and all of your excuses, these things will hold you back from ever making that change you so desperately want. Adding meditation exercises can help you to train your mind and your body.
NEXT MONTH will feature four printable exercises to help you succeed. Sign my guest list at www.chelseafitpro.com and be the first to access my blog, (coming soon).
Don’t forget to write me with your questions. Till next month, stay fashionably fit!
Chelsea Kmiec Personal Trainer, Fitness Model & Competitor
enter the code "CHELSEAFIT" at check out for a free gift with your order.
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