Monday, October 14, 2019

Sexy after Breast Cancer: The Jocelyn Binder Story

FCM: I am very excited to interview Jocelyn Binder for the re-launching of our blog FCM Style.

We understand that you're a fashion model whose a Cancer survivor. Please tell us about your experience?

Jocelyn: Yes! I am a two-time breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed at 28 with breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. I underwent eight cycles of chemo and a double-mastectomy, which put me out of modeling for a while, as I
Jocelyn Binder
recovered. Last year, I was diagnosed stage 4 when the cancer reappeared on my sternum bone this time. I began endocrine therapy, along with making many lifestyle changes, and was back in remission in ten months!
FCM: So, you wrote a book " Sexy After Breast Cancer" Please tell your inspiration behind this book

Jocelyn: Yes! I was inspired to share my journey, as someone who is a breast cancer thriver, in hopes of helping other women battling. I had the advantage of assembling an exert team, including both Western and Eastern medicine doctors, therapists, acupuncturists, yoga teachers and a plethora of other spiritual leaders. So, you could say I took one for the team and am sharing what I found worked the best in my healing!

FCM: What Breast Cancer Support Organizations do you support? Why are they important to you ?

Jocelyn: I support Susan G Komen, as a breast cancer community leader and recently donated my time to shooting a video for them. It is important to me that so much awareness is being brought to breast cancer, so  that we can better manage this disease and hopefully both prevent and cure more cases going forward.
Jocelyn Binder
FCM: What do you hope to accomplish by writing this book?

Jocelyn: If only one woman heals after applying my book’s concepts to make changes in their life, it will be a huge success to me.

FCM: What's next for you Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: I’d like to become even more involved in the breast cancer community. Whether is raising money, public speaking or otherwise contributing. My goal is to aid in the efforts to enhance the healing and thriving of my fellow breast cancer survivors.

FCM: Thanks for the interview.

FCM: Do you have any parting words for our audience?

Jocelyn: Whether you’re battling with your health or just trying to make the most of the one life we have here on earth, be positive and love yourself.  Photography by Caroline Malouf

                                                                                                               Azhar Harris